Tuesday, September 27, 2011

the words just came out wrong

Lowercase headlines will be the a staple and likely the only one on my umpteenth experiment in blogging.

I think a lot about Facebook status updates and this will allow me to expand those thoughts that deservedly deserve far more likes and comments. The same four or five people comment on [censored after second thought and sixth reading fo' real]. If it were acceptable to update my Facebook nine times a day, I would do it. I have the time. I do not find many other people humorous and usually cringe when I read status updates. My stuff is just better and should be shared with the world at-524-friends large.

This blog will not feature long posts. Most will be short but written in a style similar to my previous effortings with lots of sentences and paragraphs beginning with "I."

Friday nights between 5 p.m. and 8 p.m. usually are spent watching hours (3 ... or 173 minutes to be exact) of old music videos on YouTube. I consider myself well-versed in most music genres from the late 1960s through the late 2000s and weller-versed at using the phrase "well-versed" to prove some sort of expertise. It's like, I said that so you knew that you could take this "words about songs" blog seriously despite me (intended typo) usual word antics and endless non-sequitors. I do not know how to play a single instrument or read one note of music. You can always tell whose parents never made them learn to play an instrument or attend piano lessons. We are the adults substituting fries for vegetables at restaurants.

Two songs inspired me to start this blog that I'll post on maybe five or six times before it languishes in online obscurity if there is such a place. I hope it's not as frustrating as driving behind someone who stops at yellow lights.

Those two songs are "Nothing Better" by The Postal Service and "Operator" by former Catholic and alive person Jim Croce.

Reader(s) can expect two to three posts a week. I hope to complete my first two on the aforementioned songs later this week. Those will offer more insight into the future of this blog than this post which basically is just an excuse to post that picture of Jesse Pinkman that I grayscaled for artistic reasons after feeling bad about that whole fries-for-veggies thing.

I'll let you know on a Facebook status update that will NOT count against my self-imposed two-per-day limit.

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